ISO7816 Card Dispenser Reader Working Structure

Card dispensers play an important role in various industries to automate and optimize business the business. While an ISO7816 card dispenser reader play an important role, it’s also important for the owners to know about the basics of its working structure, so that they can troubleshoot minor issues all by themselves. That’s because relying on a mechanic even for a minor issue would not only be time-consuming but costly at the same time. That’s why, this article aims on educating the readers about the working structure and some basics of a car dispenser reader, so they can use the product even more efficiently than before.

What Are Card Dispenser Readers?

Card dispenser readers are a mechanism or an electronic device that can be used to read, write, dispense, and store the cards that use electromagnetic chips such as ATM cards, and other electromagnetic cards used in arcade machines, etc. These card dispensers are responsible for automating a business to facilitate smooth entry of authorized personnel only. For instance, in an arcade center, a car dispenser reader will read the player’s card and let him/her play the game only if they have sufficient credit in their card. In case the player wants to refill their cards, the shop owner would place the card in the machine and update the credit value to the recharge amount. This is all done electronically through a card dispenser reader.

How These Cards Work- Detailed Elaboration

Here is how these card dispensers work and how they can efficiently replace the inefficient manual work scenario in a given business. Let’s take an example of an arcade center.

1. Setting Up A Card For The First Time

The card dispenser can initiate a new magnetic card and electronically write an initial value in the card. So, if you’re getting a fresh card issued from a game center, the owner will create a card with an initial recharge amount.

2. Using The Card In The Game

Now you’ll use the card in an arcade machine, which also has a card dispenser reader built-in. The reader will reach the electromagnetic chip in your card and deduct the balance based on how much that game costs to play.

3. Reloading The Card

If the player wants, it can go to the shop owner and ask them to recharge the card. So when you do that, the owner will put your card in a card dispenser reader, take cash from you, and enter the amount in their computer that is connected to the card dispenser reader. The reader will then add the recharge amount to the existing balance and you’ll get an updated balance in your card to continue playing games.

Why Purchase Card Dispenser Reader From Lintechtt

Card dispensers have efficiently replaced the token system from various industries, which were really risky and inefficient. The  readers offered by Lintechtt are of high quality with zero failure rates. You can expect tremendous performance without any delays so your business runs smoothly without any financial loss. The guests can never fool this machine and cause scams in the business.


After reading this article, you must have understood that how important it is to replace your existing token system with a card dispenser machine. If you’re a business owner and think that a card dispenser can take your business to new heights, it’s always recommended to go for this product as they’re available at an affordable price from Lintechtt. You can buy one piece of multiple pieces in wholesale as needed.



Abraham is a fascinating person with an amazing lifestyle. He has travelled to many different places and experienced many different cultures. This has given him a unique perspective on life which he loves to share with others. Abraham is also a health enthusiast and loves to eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. This helps him stay in excellent shape both physically and mentally.

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